Cat Over-Population
Did you know there are around 60 million feral cats currently in the United States? The population of cats increases by millions every year. Since 1993, the number of cats in animal shelters has increased by 15% every year, and even that percent is increasing. According to the HSUS (the Human Society of United States), over a time span of seven years, a cat and her offspring can produce over 400,000 cats. Many factors contribute to the feral cat population: opting out of spay and neuter, breeding cats, and not having enough space in shelters. Cat over-population of cats is becoming a huge problem in the United States and needs to be fixed.
One main problem is cat owners choose not to get their cats spayed/neutered. The owner will let their cats outside to become, or get another cat pregnant. Unfixed female cats usually have around two to three litters a year; each litter having four to six cats. 75% of feral cats’ litters die or disappear after six months of age. The others fight to survive on the streets, in neighborhoods, and in back alleys, usually begging for food. The LA-SPCA (Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) charges around $25 to spay/neuter a cat. Other places, and in other states, charge between $25 to 50$, and even over a $100. If prices were lower, and even free in some cases, people would be more willing to fix their cat. Even with prices being the way they are, people opt out of it because they feel as if it’ll traumatize their cat. Owners should realize this is the wrong choice. A new solution organizations are trying is the spaying and neutering of strays. This technique involves people catching the neighborhood stray and bringing it to an organization to be fixed. Most organizations don’t charge much, or don’t charge at all. This is a solution everyone should try.
Another huge problem is breeders breeding cats. 10 to 20% of cats and dogs are bought from animal shelters. The rest come from pet shops, a friend’s unwanted litter, off the streets, or an online breeder. What pet owners don’t know is breeders have one female cat that they use over and over again to make more kittens. Once they have used the female cat enough, she becomes unable to have kittens. Breeders then sell the cat on sites such as Craigslist. Instead of buying cats and kittens online and from pet stores, owners should adopt from animal shelters. Also, to stop breeders from breeding, the government should illegalize animal breeding. This would reduce the amount of cats in the United States.
Another huge problem is the space in animal shelters. There isn’t enough space in animal shelters for all the animals in the world. Usually, animals get let out or the shelters don’t accept anymore cats after a certain point. This forces some owners to disown their pets which add to the feral cat population. Most animal shelters euthanize their animals when they have reached their limit. Almost five to seven million cats enter animal shelters every year and three to four million are euthanized. Approximately 25,000 healthy cats die each year from diseases in shelters and 70% of cats are euthanized because there is no home to put them in. In Louisiana, almost 30 cats are put down every week. There are just not enough homes for feral cats. This problem ties in with the breeder’s problem; instead of buying cats online, people should adopt cats from animal shelters. If people care about animals, they should volunteer more at organizations and shelters. More animal lovers should become foster parents to reduce the amount of animals in shelters. More shelters should be made, too. There are currently around 3,500 animal shelters in the U.S. If more shelters were made, the amount of cats on the streets would be decreased.
As you can see, feral cat overpopulation is a huge problem in the United States. Not spaying and neutering your cat, breeding cats, and not having enough space in animal shelters are three huge problems contributing to the population of feral cats. There are many solutions to these problems. Animal lovers should try and help fix it. Average people who don’t like cats should try and help. If everyone helped contribute, the feral cat population would be decrease.
One Man, One Monster, Two Amazing Tales
"I understood that the world was nothing: a mechanical chaos of casual, brute enmity on which we stupidly impose our hopes and fears. I understood that, finally and absolutely, I alone exist. All the rest, I saw, is merely what pushes me, or what I push against, blindly—as blindly as all that is not myself pushes back."
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Riddle 1
Furry, Fuzzy Fluff-ball
Long, little face-lines on each side
Sweet and lovable, supple and small
Mysterious and mystifying
Sleep all day, play all night.
Riddle 2
A time-organizer
A book of days
A date-holder
Hanging on a wall
In an office, or in a room
An array of numbers and boxes
Don’t be late!
Furry, Fuzzy Fluff-ball
Long, little face-lines on each side
Sweet and lovable, supple and small
Mysterious and mystifying
Sleep all day, play all night.
Riddle 2
A time-organizer
A book of days
A date-holder
Hanging on a wall
In an office, or in a room
An array of numbers and boxes
Don’t be late!
Analysis of Grendel

Born of Cain, a monster, a murderous demon, a shadow of death is what Grendel is described as in Beowulf, the first epic ever. Beowulf is set in Hrothgar’s castle located in Denmark. Hrothgar is the king of Danes. Beowulf is the main character; he is a geat and nephew to the king of geats, Higlac. Beowulf goes to Hrothgar’s castle to slay Grendel, a creature that has been terrorizing the castle for almost 13 years. Grendel is portrayed as a terrible creature. This is proven by the study of his description, his actions, and the victims’ reactions.
As mentioned above, Grendel is described as an awful, murderous creature. The story opens up with an introduction of Grendel. He is describes as a “powerful monster, living down in the darkness,” and “the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend, Grendel, who haunted the moors.” These quotes are important because it opens the story. It makes sure you get the sense of what Grendel is. Grendel is described as a horrible creature that shouldn’t even be alive on Earth.
Many of the warriors of the castle are terrified of Grendel and his actions. Grendel is said to have been attacking Herot, a part of the castle, for 13 years; he terrorizes the people who live there and kill them out of pleasure. “Then each warrior tried to escape him, searched for rest in different beds, as far from Herot as they could find.” This quote proves that the people are reacting to Grendel by trying to get away from him; they are too scared to stay in the castle. The king is becoming angry because he is losing his warriors and followers.
Grendel’s actions are to kill and slaughter out of pleasure. In the story, Grendel has just come to the hall once again to kill. “And his heart laughed, he relished the site, intended to tear the life from those bodies by morning.” This quote proves that Grendel is just an uncaring monster. He just wants people to suffer by killing them. Grendel’s actions and thoughts show how much of a terrible creature he is.
The character Grendel is a monster due to his actions, peoples’ reactions to him, and his descriptions. He’s described as a fiend and a murderous demon. The warriors of Herot are terrified of him. Grendel wants to kill and put people through pain. He may be a horrible creature, but he does not win in the end.
Friday, March 4, 2011
What is Grendel’s attitude toward language? How does it change throughout the novel?

In the beginning of Grendel, Grendel has some knowledge of language. He understands what people are saying and what their actions mean. Grendel cannot speak or communicate to others, but can make noises. He tries to communicate by moaning, or growling. Throughout the story, Grendel starts to understand how to say words and is able to make sentences. He communicates with Unferth, who seems to understand. Also, the structure of his storytelling starts to evolve. He begins using italics and brackets. Some of his story is in poetry format. At the end of the story, he seems to understand more due to experience.
Trace Grendel’s philosophical journey in Gardner’s Grendel using the cycle of astrology for clues. End this response by stating Grendel’s evolved phil

In the beginning of Grendel, Grendel isn’t sure what to think of the world. He hasn’t experienced enough to make assumptions and have philosophical views. The story starts off with Aries, symbolizing a new cycle or a new beginning. This is where he believes that only he exists in the world. His mind and thoughts is the only thing that matters. After listening to the Shaper, he feels like he should be one of them. He feels that they live in a perfect world and don’t have to worry about anything. After seeing the dragon, Grendel starts to question whether or not the world outside of his thoughts is really perfect. He questions his views upon things. He’s very skeptic. Grendel starts seeing how men act towards each other. He wonders why they don’t like him when they act the same way. Towards the end of the story, he starts to feel as if everyone is responsible for their actions and what they make themselves. Pisces ends the story; Pisces symbolizes the end of the cycle and the end of Grendel’s journey. He ends feeling as if only objects of experience exist.
Why do you think Gardner made the decision to use Grendel as a narrator? How does Grendel’s status as a monster affect the way he tells the story?
I think Gardner made Grendel the narrator so we, the reader, can understand him more. It’s also Grendel’s story; he should be able to tell it. I think if someone, or something in this case, narrates their own story, you’re getting their perspective on things. You understand them more because not only are they telling you what is happening, they are telling you what they are thinking and how they are reacting to situations. Grendel’s status as a monster does affect the way he tells the story. He feels misunderstood and wants the reader to understand him.
How is Grendel a parody of Beowulf?
A parody is a mocking imitation of a work of literature.
Grendel is a parody of the epic Beowulf because Gardner goes against how Grendel is originally described. In Beowulf, Grendel is a monster, born of Cain, murderous, emotionless, and much more. In Grendel, Grendel is that same monster but much more toned down. The reader gets an understanding of him and can relate to him in a way. Grendel has emotions; he has feelings toward what he is doing and what others are doing. So, in a way Grendel is a parody of Beowulf.
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