Born of Cain, a monster, a murderous demon, a shadow of death is what Grendel is described as in Beowulf, the first epic ever. Beowulf is set in Hrothgar’s castle located in Denmark. Hrothgar is the king of Danes. Beowulf is the main character; he is a geat and nephew to the king of geats, Higlac. Beowulf goes to Hrothgar’s castle to slay Grendel, a creature that has been terrorizing the castle for almost 13 years. Grendel is portrayed as a terrible creature. This is proven by the study of his description, his actions, and the victims’ reactions.
As mentioned above, Grendel is described as an awful, murderous creature. The story opens up with an introduction of Grendel. He is describes as a “powerful monster, living down in the darkness,” and “the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend, Grendel, who haunted the moors.” These quotes are important because it opens the story. It makes sure you get the sense of what Grendel is. Grendel is described as a horrible creature that shouldn’t even be alive on Earth.
Many of the warriors of the castle are terrified of Grendel and his actions. Grendel is said to have been attacking Herot, a part of the castle, for 13 years; he terrorizes the people who live there and kill them out of pleasure. “Then each warrior tried to escape him, searched for rest in different beds, as far from Herot as they could find.” This quote proves that the people are reacting to Grendel by trying to get away from him; they are too scared to stay in the castle. The king is becoming angry because he is losing his warriors and followers.
Grendel’s actions are to kill and slaughter out of pleasure. In the story, Grendel has just come to the hall once again to kill. “And his heart laughed, he relished the site, intended to tear the life from those bodies by morning.” This quote proves that Grendel is just an uncaring monster. He just wants people to suffer by killing them. Grendel’s actions and thoughts show how much of a terrible creature he is.
The character Grendel is a monster due to his actions, peoples’ reactions to him, and his descriptions. He’s described as a fiend and a murderous demon. The warriors of Herot are terrified of him. Grendel wants to kill and put people through pain. He may be a horrible creature, but he does not win in the end.
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